Posts in Team blog
Thinking back, looking forward: John

In this, the second blog in our Thinking Back, Looking Forward series, we hear from John, who has recently moved on as lead coach at HMP Pentonville to a new role outside of StandOut, in the world of education. John joined the StandOut team in January 2021 after two years at Pentonville as a prison officer through the Unlocked Grads programme. Now, on the other side of his journey with us – having made a fantastic impact during his time as a StandOut coach, he reflects on his experiences and what he will take forward with him in his next steps.  

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Team blogGuest UserBlog
'Have you heard of StandOut?'

After two years’ working in HMP Pentonville as a prison officer through the Unlocked Gradudate programme, John Sampson reflects on his first six months as our Lead Coach in Pentonville and delivering StandOut’s first face-to-face workshops since the pandemic began.

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Team blogGuest User
365 days of the pandemic

365 days of lockdown, more than 3000 calls to our Helpline and record numbers of people released into homelessness. On the anniversary of lockdown, our Development Manager, Sarah Hocking, reflects on the impact of covid-19 on prisons and the people StandOut supports.

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Team blog, NewsGuest User
Prison Officer to StandOut Coach!

Louisa Laven, StandOut’s first Community Coach, joins us after two and a half years working as a prison officer through the Unlocked Graduate programme. Louisa reflects on what brought her to StandOut and how she has spent her first weeks with the team...

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Team blogGuest User
StandOut’s New Normal

At the start of Erin’s first Pentonville course in February none of us could have predicted that it would be cut short two days before graduation, or that six months later we would still be having our team meetings via Zoom…

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Team blogGuest User