Building Bridges

We are delighted to announce Egerton Junior Bayode as our first StandOut Ambassador. Junior has lived experience of the youth justice system, and is now a Senior Business Analyst for a global financial technology company and Senior Project Facilitator for the St Giles Trust's SOS+ programme which focus on gang prevention for young people. When asked why he was happy to be an Ambassador for StandOut, Junior said:


“I see StandOut as the bridge builders and road forgers for those, who for various reasons, have either lost their way or find themselves stuck and not knowing how to progress. StandOut help build bridges for people leaving prison, helping them to access paths away from offending and into meaningful work. They help people forge roads, remove road blocks and guide them through the rocky path of leaving prison in order to ensure they reach their full potential and be productive assets to their communities.

I personally have experienced the mental as well as the practical challenges of navigating that rocky path, so I know the importance of believing there is a way and there are people actively helping you find it -
StandOut embodies this all, helping people adopt a positive mental framework and providing them with the practical skills to achieve what they put their minds to.”

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